Friday, March 30, 2012

Sourcing REAL FOOD

This past month my husband and I have cut out grains and dairy. Honestly, after awhile you don't really miss it. The only thing I've had trouble with is learning how to snack without grains and dairy. We've been eating a lot of eggs, squash soup (using homemade broth), juicing carrots and special delicious green juice, home-soaked and dehydrates nuts and meat.

HOWEVER - I really enjoy a good mocha or cappucino once in awhile. So I've sourced REAL MILK. Real raw milk! I'll be making homemade mocha syrup with out of maple syrup, water, and unsweetened cocoa and raw milk, with delicious local Dogwood coffee. Mmmm... I <3 Dogwood coffee..

How did I find real milk? Well, first I contacted my local Weston Price Chapter leader - who had no leads. He said that there were too many looking for raw milk so he had no resources to hook me up with. BUMMER. Then one day I had an epiphany. CRAIGSLIST! Craigslist has everything, right!?! They have to have people looking to sell raw milk! And guess what, I found my person! So next week, I'm heading to the farm, which shall be remain nameless since our government loves, loves, LOVES to attack local farms (search MICHIGAN & ORGANIC PIGS). A friend of mine and I will get about 4 gallons of milk between the two of us (she has 5 kiddos, so she'll be taking the bulk of it!) And the kiddos can check out the farm while we're there too!

So don't give up on finding real food - think creatively. Ask friends where they get their local foods (CSA's and farms); look on Craigslist, or hang out in the parking lot of Whole Foods...I think some suspicious Real Food selling may go down out there...

But yay! This is gonna be good!

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